Forms, Templates & Other T32 Paperwork

Unless otherwise indicated, paperwork should be completed and returned to Jill Vander Velde.
Most post-appointment forms, instructions, and templates were provided in your start of the year syllabus.

Appointment Forms *Wait for Jill’s instructions via email to complete.*

SDSURF Notice to Recipients of Scholarships and Fellowships* – Must be completed at the start of each 12-month appointment. This form is initiated by Jill and routed to you via Adobe Sign.
• [1st year Postdocs ONLY] SDSUid/Email Request Form
• SDSURF Direct Deposit – You will receive an invitation from PaymentWorks to be set up in the system.
• [Predocs paying tuition to SDSU] SDSURF Fee Authorization Standard Form* – Must be completed prior to the cashier deadline each semester. This form is initiated by Jill and routed to you via Adobe Sign.
Trainee & Mentor T32 AA013525 Obligations and Commitments Agreement

Change of Address or Name

SDSURF Name Change and / or Change of Address Form
Complete, scan and email to Jill. For a name change, the trainee must present their new Social Security card to a Human Resources representative at SDSURF located on the 4th floor of the Gateway Building.

IDP Templates (based on UCSD’s forms)

• Fillable IDP including a section for your mentor(s) to complete.
• FYI: Comprehensive Skills Analysis Worksheet

Evaluation Forms

• [Predocs] Form provided in your syllabus.
• [Postdocs] Form provided in your syllabus.
• Program Evaluation Form link will be emailed to you.

Termination Template

• Termination Template provided in your syllabus.