Registration Fees

IMPORTANT: R13 Supported Trainees DO NOT need to complete this step as their attendance is being supported by the grant.

The following amounts will be collected to offset meeting and workshop costs:

Training Directors (and attending representative T32 non-local faculty) $225.00
NIAAA Staff $225.00
Additional Trainee (max. 2 R13 supported trainees per T32 program) $150.00
Local Attendees TBD

Please click on the link below and then click on the ‘Pay by Credit Card’ hyperlink to access the secure online payment screen. Complete all fields with an *asterisks as well as the CVV2 (3-4 digits on the back of your credit card) and Attendee Name fields. The name and phone fields as well last few billing address fields should match the credit card being used for payment. You will need to enter in the amount listed above. The Project Name and Program Title fields have been completed for you. Once all fields are completed, click the ‘Process’ button. A confirmation screen will appear. Please keep a screen shot or PDF of the confirmation screen for your records.